*We believe in Honesty and Integrity in our words and actions
*We help each other in making our home a happy place where everyone feels needed
*We are equal in maintaining home as a safe, clean and happy place to live.
*This is a house of Faith, Fasting, Prayer, and Charity
*We believe Jesus Christ is our Savior
*We attend Church each week to learn how to be more like Him and read of Him in the scriptures
*Everyone who comes into our home is to be given respect as children of our Heaven Father
*We also have respect for the things of others
*Respect is shown through our loving words and how we listen to each other
*We love one another, we enjoy one another, we forgive each other, listen to each other, and we work together to make this house a home and refuge from the world
Ohhhh wow! how much fun is that!!! I bet you all had the most wonderful time!!
Isn't it funny how we think to ourselves "Ohhh i wish i could have a break from the kids" then when you get one, all you do is worry? Good job mama for making a tough decision :) Miss you guys tons :(
Melissa! It looks like you had a wonderful trip! I'd like to add your blog to mine, do you mind? Rebekah
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